Ek Beautiful Love Story.....

Ek Beautiful Love Story.....
[♥] [♥] [♥] [♥] A love story [♥] [♥] [♥] [♥]
[♥] [♥]
once upon a time a bird fall in love
with a white rose [♥] one day she
proposed him but he refused he said i
dont love u [♥] but bird daily came and
propose him then white rose said if ill
turn in red ill love u [♥] after that one
day bird came n cut her wings n
spread her blood on the rose n rose
turned red then rose realized how
much bird love him but it was too late
bird was dead....!!
nvr loss dat bird....cz s/he d 1 who cn
make ur lyf beautiful n ur dreamz cm

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